Players: 2-4
Number of Cards: Number cards from 1-12 (x4) / 4 Jokers.
Educational Value: Practices working with quantities from 1-1000.
Goal: The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Preparation: The cards are shuffled and placed in a pile in the center of the table. Jokers can be used as any color or number.
How to Play: Round One: Going clockwise, every player takes one card from the top of the pile in the center of the table. When everyone has a card, the one with the highest number wins and is given a card to keep as proof of his victory.
Round Two: This round works in the same way as the first round, but players now take two cards instead of one (in two clockwise passes of the circle). When everyone is ready, each player tries to make the highest possible number by lining up the digits on their cards. The winner is given a card to keep as proof of his victory.
Round Three: This round works in the same way as the first two, but players now take three cards instead of one or two (in three clockwise passes of the circle). When everyone is ready, each player tries to make the highest possible number by lining up the digits on their cards. The winner is given a card to keep as proof of his victory.
These three rounds can be repeated as often as is necessary to use all the cards in the pile in the center of the table.
The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Variation: To add to the difficulty, number combinations may only be made from cards of the same color. To increase the chances of getting the same color of cards, one more card than specified in the rules above should be taken for each round.
By: Mag. Johanna Patri