Players: 2 and a Leader
Number of Cards: Number cards from 1-12 (x4) / 4 Jokers.
Educational Value: Reinforces and consolidates multiplication.
Goal: The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Preparation: The cards are shuffled, and then placed face-down in a pile in the center of the table.
How to Play: Each player takes a card from the pile in the center of the table, and is careful not to show it to the other player. The Leader than takes a card and places it face-up on the table.
The players now have to multiply the card in their hand by the revealed card on the table. The first one to call out a correct solution keeps the revealed card.
EXAMPLE: A 4 is revealed on the table. Player one has a 2 in his hand so must call out 8 (2 x 2 = 8), and player two has a 4 in his hand so must call out 16 (4 x 4 = 16).
If a Joker is drawn, players can make it any number they choose.
The Leader has the final say on all decisions!
The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Variation: Play the same game without Jokers.
By: Mirko Mieland