• Back

    Distance Blowing
    Players: 2 and a Leader

    Number of Cards: Number cards from 1-12 (x4) / no Jokers. Also Required: Cotton-ball / Ruler.

    Educational Value:
    Understanding and recognizing lengths.

    Goal: The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

    Preparation: The deck is shuffled well and dealt equally among the players. A sheet of paper is also fixed to the table and a ‘Starting Line’ drawn on it.

    How to Play: One player puts one of his cards down on the table (e.g. 9). The other player must then blow the cotton-ball that many centimeters (e.g. 9 cm) away from the ‘Starting Line’ on the paper.
    When the blow has taken place, the Leader will measure the accuracy of the attempt. If the blow is accurate, that player is given a point. The cycle then continues with the other player’s turn until all of both players’ cards have been used.
    The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

    Variation: Instead of blowing a cotton ball, players can draw a line on the paper to correspond to the required length on the chosen card.

    By: Mirko Mieland